Member Success Stories
Member Success Stories are a wonderful opportunity for our community to reflect and celebrate the incredible achievements of our members. Whether overcoming hardships or surpassing personal fitness goals, these stories inspire and motivate us all. Join us in honoring the dedication and resilience of our members as they share their journeys and triumphs. Together, we can continue to support one another on this to success!
Alexis Trine
Alexis Trine, a senior at Jonesville High School, is passionate about staying active and healthy, playing basketball and softball. She enjoys hunting and fishing with her family and spending quality time with her siblings. She is set to graduate this spring, aspiring to attend college and become a Physician Assistant (PA).
Back in 2021, Alexis faced a challenge that threatened her hobbies, passions, and dreams. She suffered from severe headaches that caused her to miss school daily. Despite various attempts to alleviate the pain, nothing worked. Consequently, Alexis and her parents sought medical advice, leading to an MRI of her brain. On Christmas Eve 2021, they received distressing news: doctors had discovered a brain tumor. By May 2021, Alexis underwent surgery to remove the tumor, which was successful. By September 2021, she was cleared to resume normal activities, including sports, living the life of a typical teenager. However, during a routine check-up in 2022, doctors noticed a spot on her brain, uncertain if it was scar tissue or a recurrent tumor. By November 2023, it was confirmed that the spot had grown, indicating another tumor. Alexis and her family faced a decision: start chemotherapy or undergo another surgery. They opted for surgery, which took place during her spring break in March 2024. The surgery was successful, and no further issues have been found as of the latest check-up. Alexis was cleared in July to return to her normal activities, including basketball, softball, and her beloved hobbies of hunting and fishing.
Alexis was eager to share her stories, offering insights into the challenges she faced during a life-changing ordeal. She revealed that one of the toughest aspects was witnessing the impact on her siblings and parents. It pained her to see them distressed by their circumstances, yet this adversity brought them closer. Alexis and her sister Amelia became best friends, and her bond with her parents strengthened. She also spoke about the difficulties she encountered with school and friends, noting that she lost many friends after her first surgery, which ironically brought her closer to her family. Moreover, Alexis discussed how these struggles deepened her relationship with God. She realized she wasn't alone in facing tough times; others had it even harder. Yet, she saw her experiences to assist others in similar situations, showing that it's possible to persevere through hardships and rediscover oneself. Alexis believes in using her journey to demonstrate that one need not succumb to adversity but can embrace it to emerge stronger.
Alexis has returned to pursuing life as a typical teenager, diligently working towards a dominant senior basketball season in hopes of playing at the college level. She is savoring her senior year at Jonesville and embracing her remaining time in high school.
Alexis wanted to offer a piece of advice to someone who might be going through a tough time:
“Lean on those who love you, it will get better!”