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Lift of the Month: Deadlift 

Earn 15% off your next payment by taking on the challenge to increase your deadlift number the most over the month. 

Here are the steps to enter the challenge:
  1. Inform Matthew Kovacic of your desire to participate.
  2. Report your starting weight to him by June 5th.
  3. Dedicate the month to improving your deadlift.
  4. Update him with your new personal record by July 5th.
Watch the video to learn how to deadlift like a pro 

Lifting Club 

Secure a spot on The Well lifting club's top-ten boards by presenting a video of your lift to a staff member or having a staff member witness your lift.


The video must be no more than a year old.


The lift must have been performed at The Well.


You must be a member of The Well to participate!

Lifts Included 
Deadlift                                             Squat                                               Bench 


Pull-ups                                      Fastest MPH                       50-Cal Challenge 


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